Your Swiss Army knife for European public affairs

Have you ever tried understanding EU institutions? Or tried writing that killer press briefing, accessing a senior Member of the European Parliament, or organising a key policy event?

If you have, you’ll know that public affairs require knowledge and flair. Luckily, we know our way around Europe’s politics, its institutions and its people.

Our clients benefit from an integral package of services and skills to serve their projects.


We help clients define their vision, values and aims, and help them to reap the benefits of a well-designed strategy. We facilitate complex organisational processes, such as strategic development or devising communication strategies, and bring them to a successful close. We’ll help you weigh pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We help organisations (re)think their best selves.


We define and reach clear policy targets. We build political intelligence. We research political processes, find out who decides and how to wow them. We put together funding applications, with funders’ objectives in mind. We make the institutional jungle feel like a signposted highway.


We push clients to define and refine their brand: who they are, the values they convey, the ideals they inspire. We advise on what a good briefing, a good press release or a good tweet look like. We know about social media. We do events of all sizes. We write well. We package the message.


We coach organisations and individuals to better understand European institutions and policy-making. We share and develop expertise in civil liberties, justice, foreign affairs, EU law and human rights. We facilitate workshops and seminars. We deliver with passion, patience and enthusiasm, and take pride in our acclaimed facilitation skills.

You’ll benefit from our personalised advice and hard work. See how we do it.